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Nitrous Oxide

woman smiling in a dental chair talking to a dentistGood oral hygiene is essential for preventing serious issues like cavities and gum disease. Keeping your mouth healthy starts at home. It is recommended that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. In addition to your daily oral care, professional dental care is also necessary. Biannual cleanings and exams are essential for preventing serious oral issues. Sometimes, exams are needed to diagnose the cause of specific symptoms so you can get to the root of the problem and receive the necessary treatment. However, if the thought of going to the dentist makes you feel uneasy, you may avoid going to the dentist. At Raptou Family Dental, we can help you to relax in the dental chair so you can get the treatment you need with nitrous oxide.

Effects of Avoiding Dental Care

Ignoring dental care, even routine cleanings and exams can have a significant impact on the health of your mouth. Cleanings are essential for eliminating even the most stubborn buildup from the surfaces of your teeth, including the areas that you cannot effectively clean on your own. Exams are also important. Even if you do not feel that anything is wrong, your mouth is carefully looked over for signs of different issues. You might feel perfectly healthy, but many oral health issues do not exhibit symptoms in their earliest stages. Typically, the earlier issues are detected, the easier they are to treat, and the less invasive the treatment needs to be.

If you do notice symptoms of an oral health issue, it is also very important to seek treatment right away. Ignoring these symptoms will not make them go away. Many oral health issues only tend to worsen the longer they go untreated. This can lead to serious consequences. What once could have been a simple filling could turn into the need for a root canal or tooth extraction and replacement.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is a form of sedation. Sedation is a treatment that is made to help you relax and feel more comfortable during your dental treatments. More commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is the mildest form of sedation available. It is an inhaled sedative that goes to work almost immediately. You are still completely conscious, but you feel instantly relaxed and more at ease. This type of sedation also works to raise your pain tolerance and reduce your gag reflex. Nitrous oxide is very mild, so it is generally best suited for those who only have mild anxiety.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

Nitrous oxide is an inhaled sedative. When you arrive for your appointment, place a small mask over your nose. We turn on the nitrous oxide as well as oxygen. These gasses mix and you breathe them in. The sedative goes to work almost immediately, and you almost instantly feel relaxed and more comfortable. Because of this, we can provide you with the care you need in a much safer and more effective manner. You are still completely conscious during your treatment. Once your treatment is over, the nitrous oxide is shut off, but the oxygen remains on for a few extra minutes. This helps to ensure that all of the nitrous oxides leaves your system. The effects wear very quickly, and you are back to your normal self. You can even drive yourself home when your appointment is over.

What are the Benefits of Using Nitrous Oxide?

There are numerous benefits that are associated with nitrous oxide.
•  The sedative is inhaled. There are no needles or medications needed.
•  Nitrous oxide goes to work almost instantly.
•  The effects wear off very soon after the nitrous oxide is shut off.
•  Sedation is easily adjusted as needed throughout your procedure.

Nitrous oxide is a safe, effective method of sedation that helps you to relax and feel at ease, allowing you to get the dental care you need when you need it. For more information, and to find out if nitrous oxide is right for you, call Raptou Family Dental at (614) 427-0449 today.

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Nitrous Oxide - Columbus, OH • Raptou Family Dental
Nitrous oxide is a form of sedation. Sedation is a treatment that is made to help you relax and feel more comfortable during your dental treatments.
Raptou Family Dental, 136 Northwoods Blvd, STE A1, Columbus, OH 43235 + (614) 427-0449 + raptou.com + 2/3/2025 + Associated Words: Dentist Columbus OH +